
State Party: yes
Date signed: Sept. 25, 1998
Date ratified: June 21, 2001

National Legislation

Act No 342/2001 on the International Criminal Court
Act No. 132 of 29 of April 1955 concerning the punishment of genocide (Excerpt)
Military Penal Code
The Criminal Code
Bekendtgørelse af straffeloven
Militær straffelov
Lov om straf for folkedrab
Lov nr. 342/2001 om Den Internationale Straffedomstol
Danmarks riges grundlov


Denmark adopted an Act for the implementation of the Rome Statute in 2001. The Danish ICC Act covers only some aspects of the ICC cooperation regime, mainly relating to the enforcement of sentences or orders issued by the Court, which section in turn is not very detailed.. The Act does not contain any provisions on the crimes falling under the jurisdiction of the Court, and does not go beyond stating in its first Article that the Rome Statute is applicable to Denmark. Additional legislation is therefore needed.


View relevant provisions here.