
State Party: yes
Date signed: July 18, 1998
Date ratified: Sept. 5, 2003

National Legislation

Law of Georgia on Amendments to the Criminal Code of Georgia
Law of Georgia on Cooperation between the International Criminal Court and Georgia
The Criminal Code of Georgia
The Constitution of Georgia
საქართველოს კანონი სისხლის სამართლის საერთაშორისო სასამართლოსთან საქართველოს თანამშრომლობის შესახებ
Criminal Procedure Code of Georgia


Georgia adopted its Law on Cooperation between the International Criminal Court and Georgia in 2003, which provides the procedural framework for Georgia’s cooperation with the ICC. The crimes within the jurisdiction of the ICC have been incorporated into national law by way of amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code. Some differences exist between the crimes incorporated into Part 14 of the Criminal Procedure Code and Articles 6 to 8 of the Rome Statute. Notably, the Criminal Procedure Code provides for the punishment of genocidal acts committed against the groups referred to under Article 6 of the Rome Statute, but also against “any other group”, thereby granting domestic courts wider jurisdiction in relation to genocide than that possessed by the ICC. With regard to war crimes, the Criminal Code declares punishable those crimes which are envisaged by the international treaties to which Georgia is a party, which may also extend the jurisdiction of national courts in Georgia further than the ICC. The Law on Cooperation addresses all aspects of cooperation with the ICC, including the arrest and surrender of suspects to the ICC and the forms of cooperation envisaged under Article 93 of the Rome Statute. The Ministry of Justice is designated as the competent channel of communication with the Court.


View relevant provisions here.