Extradition and European Arrest Warrant Act

Date: May 20, 2005

Relevant Keywords

Admissibility challenge
Admissibility challenge - State investigation or prosecution
Amnesty compatibility
Appeal relating to a decision granting or denying release of the person being investigated or prosecuted - ICC proceedings
Competing request
Competing request - different conduct
Competing request - same conduct
Consent to surrender
Contents of request
Contents of request for arrest and surrender
Contents of request for arrest and surrender - national law requirements
Contents of request for provisional arrest
Contents of request for transit
Cooperation under procedures of national law
Crimes against humanity
Fair trial standards
Individual criminal responsibility
Language of requests for cooperation
Ne bis in idem
Ne bis in idem - ICC
Notification of competing request
Obligation to cooperate
Obligation to inform the Court of reasons for denial of assistance
Obligations arising out of State or diplomatic immunity
Obligations towards the sending State
Postponement - ongoing investigation or prosecution
Postponement of execution of ICC request
Provisional arrest - consent to surrender
Refusal of ICC request
Request for arrest and surrender
Request for transit
Rights during investigation - access to interpreter and translation if questioned in other language
Rights during investigation - legal assistance
Rights during trial - disclosure of evidence to defence
State privileges and immunities
Temporary transfer of persons in custody for purposes of identification or for obtaining testimony or other forms of assistance - authority - ICC proceedings
Transit proceedings
Transportation and transit through State territory for surrender
Unscheduled landing on territory of transit State
War crimes