Schedule B Constitution Act, 1982 (79) - Canadian charter of rights and freedoms

Date: April 17, 1982

Relevant Keywords

Appeal against decision of acquittal or conviction or against sentence - national proceedings
Conditions of imprisonment / detention - international treaty standards
Determination of sentence - national proceedings
Fair trial standards
Interim release pending surrender
Nullum crimen sine lege
Presumption of innocence
Rights during investigation - access to interpreter and translation if questioned in other language
Rights during investigation - arbitrary arrest or detention and deprivation of liberty
Rights during investigation - informed of belief that crime has been committed
Rights during investigation - legal assistance
Rights during trial - informed promptly and in detail of charges
Rights during trial - interpretation and translation
Rights during trial - tried without undue delay
Search and seizure
Sentencing - national proceedings
State investigation or prosecution – taking of evidence
Victims' rights
Witnesses' rights