'Jurisdiction' in document 'Hungary - Criminal Code'

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Aim of the Criminal Code

Chapter I
Scope of the Criminal Code

Territorial and Personal Scope

Section 3

(1) Hungarian law shall be applied to crimes committed in Hungary, as well as to acts committed by Hungarian citizens abroad, which are crimes in accordance with Hungarian law.

(2) The Hungarian law shall also be applied to criminal acts committed on board of Hungarian ships or Hungarian aircraft situated outside the borders of the Republic of Hungary.

Aim of the Criminal Code

Chapter I
Scope of the Criminal Code

Territorial and Personal Scope

Section 4

(1) Hungarian law shall also be applied to acts committed by non-Hungarian citizens abroad, if they are

a) criminal acts in accordance with Hungarian law and are also punishable in accordance with the law of the place of perpetration,
b) it is a criminal act against the state (Chapter X), excluding espionage against allied armed forces (Section 148), regardless of whether it is punishable in accordance with the law of the country where committed ,
c) crimes against humanity (Chapter XI) or any other crime, the prosecution of which is prescribed by an international treaty.

(2) Espionage (Section 148) against allied armed forces by a non-Hungarian citizen in a foreign country shall be punishable according to Hungarian penal law, provided that such offense is also punishable by the law of the country where committed.

(3) In the cases described in Subsections (1)-(2) the indictment shall be ordered by the Attorney General.