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Service of Documents and Appearance of Witnesses
88. (1) If the Attorney-General gives authority for the request to facilitate the voluntary appearance of a witness to proceed, he shall forward the request to the appropriate agency.
(2) The Kenyan agency to which a request is forwarded under subsection (1) shall make such inquiries as may be necessary to ascertain if the prospective witness consents to giving evidence or assisting the ICC.
(3) The Attorney-General may, at any time, ask the ICC to give one or more of the following assurances—
(a) that the witness will not be prosecuted, detained, or subjected to any restriction of personal freedom by the ICC in respect of all or any specified acts or omissions that occurred before the person's departure from Kenya;
(b) that the witness will be returned to Kenya as soon as practicable in accordance with arrangements agreed to by the Attorney-General;
(c) an assurance relating to such other matters as the Attorney-General thinks appropriate.