'Contents of request' in document 'Sweden - Mutual Assistance Act'

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Chapter 2. General provisions concerning legal assistance in Sweden.

The request

Section 4

A request for legal assistance in Sweden under this Act should contain :

– information about the foreign court or authority that is executing the matter,
– a description of the legal proceedings pending,
– information about the act involved, stating the time and place of the act, together with the provisions that are applicable in the requesting state,
– information about which measure is requested and, when appropriate, in which capacity a person shall be heard,
– name and address of the persons implicated in the matter.

Chapter 4, Sections 8, 11, 14 and 29 contain special provisions concerning what a request further
should contain regarding certain kinds of measures.

If the matter is urgent or if execution is desired within a specific time limit, this, together with the reasons for the urgency or time limit, shall be stated.