'National penalties - offences against the administration of justice' in document 'Finland: Penal Code amendment'

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Chapter 1, section 11, paragraph 2 (563/1998) of the Penal Code (39/1889) enacted on 19 December 1889 shall be amended as follows:

Chapter 1 – Scope of application of the criminal law of Finland (626/1996)

Section 11 – Requirement of dual punishability

(1) - - - - - - -
(2) Even if the offence is not punishable under the law of the place of commission, Finnish law shall apply to it if it has been committed by a Finnish citizen or a person referred to in section 6(3)(1) [a person who at the time of the offence was, or at the beginning of the trial is, permanently resident in Finland], and the penalty for it has been laid down in
(1) sections 1-9 of chapter 15 by virtue of section 12 a of the said chapter,
(2) sections 1-3, 13 or 14 of chapter 16 by virtue of section 19 a of the said
(3) section 18 or 19 of chapter 17,
(4) sections 6—8 of chapter 20,
(5) section 9 of chapter 20, where the act is directed at a person younger
than eighteen years of age (563/1998), or
(6) sections 1-4 of chapter 40, where the offender is an official of the
International Criminal Court