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Chapter II
Forms of Commission of an Offence
Article 18. § 1. Not only the person who has committed a prohibited act himself or together and
under arrangement with another person, but also a person who has directed the commission of a
prohibited act by another person, or taken advantage of the subordination of another person to him, orders such a person to commit such a prohibited act, shall be liable for perpetration.
Chapter II
Forms of Commission of an Offence
Article 18. § 1. Not only the person who has committed a prohibited act himself or together and
under arrangement with another person, but also a person who has directed the commission of a
prohibited act by another person, or taken advantage of the subordination of another person to him, orders such a person to commit such a prohibited act, shall be liable for perpetration.
§ 2. Whoever, willing that another person should commit a prohibited act, induces the person to
do so, shall be liable for instigating.
Chapter II
Forms of Commission of an Offence
Article 19. § 1. The court shall impose the penalty for instigating, and aiding and abetting within
the limits of the sanction provided in law for perpetrating.
§ 2. In imposing the penalty for aiding and abetting, the court may apply extraordinary mitigation
of punishment.
Article 20. Each persons co-operating in the perpetration of a prohibited act shall be liable within
the limits of his intent or a lack of it, irrespective of the liability of others co-operating in the perpetration.
Article 25
Individual criminal responsibility
3. In accordance with this Statute, a person shall be criminally responsible and liable for punishment for a crime within the jurisdiction of the Court if that person:
(b) Orders, solicits or induces the commission of such a crime which in fact occurs or is attempted