'Enslavement - crimes against humanity' in document 'Bangladesh - The International Crimes Act'

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An Act to provide for the detention, prosecution and punishment of persons for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and other crimes under international law.

3 (2) The following acts or any of them are crimes within the jurisdiction of a Tribunal for which there shall be individual responsibility, namely:-

(a) Crimes against humanity: namely, ... enslavement

Article 3 Jurisdiction of Tribunal and crimes

(2) The following acts or any of them are crimes within the jurisdiction of a Tribunal for which there shall be individual responsibility, namely:

(a) Crimes against Humanity: namely, murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation, imprisonment, abduction, confinement, torture, rape or other inhumane acts committed against any civilian population or persecutions on political, racial, ethnic or religious grounds, whether or not in violation of the domestic law of the country where perpetrated;


Article 7
Crimes against humanity
1. For the purpose of this Statute, "crime against humanity" means any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack:
(c) Enslavement

2. For the purpose of paragraph 1:
(c) ‘Enslavement’ means the exercise of any or all of the powers attaching to
the right of ownership over a person and includes the exercise of such
power in the course of trafficking in persons, in particular women and