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An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to the Criminal Procedure.
B.—Warrant of Arrest
75.(1) Every warrant of arrest issued by a Court under this Code shall be in writing, signed by the presiding officer, or in the case of a Bench of Magistrates, by any member of such Bench, and shall bear the seal of the Court.
(2) Every such warrant shall remain in force until it is cancelled by the Court which issued it, or until it is executed.
An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to the Criminal Procedure.
B.—Warrant of Arrest
85. When a warrant of arrest is executed outside the district in which it was issued, the person arrested shall, unless the Court which issued the warrant is within twenty miles of the place of arrest or is nearer than the Executive Magistrate or District Superintendent of Police or the Police Commissioner in 88 a Metropolitan Area within the local limits of whose jurisdiction the arrest was made, or unless security is taken under section 76, be taken before such Magistrate or 89 Police Commissioner or District Superintendent of Police.
An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to the Criminal Procedure.
D.—Other Rules regarding Processes
93C.(1) Where a Court has received for service or execution a summons to, or a warrant for the arrest of, an accused person issued by a Court established or continued by the authority of the Government in exercise of its foreign jurisdiction, outside Bangladesh it shall cause the same to be served or executed as if it were a summons or warrant received by it from a Court in Bangladesh for service or execution within the local limits of its jurisdiction.
(2) Where any warrant of arrest has been so executed the person arrested shall so far as possible be dealt with in accordance with the procedure prescribed by sections 85 and 86.
Article 59
Arrest proceedings in the custodial State
1. A State Party which has received a request for provisional arrest or for arrest and surrender shall immediately take steps to arrest the person in question in accordance with its laws and the provisions of Part 9.
2. A person arrested shall be brought promptly before the competent judicial authority in the custodial State which shall determine, in accordance with the law of that State, that:
(a) The warrant applies to that person;
(b) The person has been arrested in accordance with the proper process; and
(c) The person's rights have been respected.
3. The person arrested shall have the right to apply to the competent authority in the custodial State for interim release pending surrender.
4. In reaching a decision on any such application, the competent authority in the custodial State shall consider whether, given the gravity of the alleged crimes, there are urgent and exceptional circumstances to justify interim release and whether necessary safeguards exist to ensure that the custodial State can fulfil its duty to surrender the person to the Court. It shall not be open to the competent authority of the custodial State to consider whether the warrant of arrest was properly issued in accordance with article 58, paragraph 1 (a) and (b).
5. The Pre-Trial Chamber shall be notified of any request for interim release and shall make recommendations to the competent authority in the custodial State. The competent authority in the
custodial State shall give full consideration to such recommendations, including any recommendations on measures to prevent the escape of the person, before rendering its decision.
6. If the person is granted interim release, the Pre-Trial Chamber may request periodic reports on the status of the interim release.
7. Once ordered to be surrendered by the custodial State, the person shall be delivered to the Court as soon as possible.
Article 89
Surrender of persons to the Court
1. The Court may transmit a request for the arrest and surrender of a person, together with the material supporting the request outlined in article 91, to any State on the territory of which that person may be found and shall request the cooperation of that State in the arrest and surrender of such a person. States Parties shall, in accordance with the provisions of this Part and the procedure under their national law, comply with requests for arrest and surrender.