'Enforcement of national penalties - imprisonment' in document 'Philippines - Revised Penal Code'

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Title Three

Chapter Three
DURATION AND Effect of Penalties

Duration of Penalties

ARTICLE 27. Reclusión Perpetua.
— Any person sentenced to any of the perpetual penalties shall be pardoned after undergoing the penalty for thirty years, unless such person by reason of his conduct or some other serious cause shall be considered by the Chief Executive as unworthy of pardon.

Title Three

Chapter Three
DURATION AND Effect of Penalties

Duration of Penalties

ARTICLE 29. One-half of the Period of the preventive imprisonment deducted from term of imprisonment.
— Offenders who have undergone preventive imprisonment shall be credited in the service of their sentence consisting of deprivation of liberty, with one-half of the time during which they have undergone preventive imprisonment, except in the following cases :

1. When they are recidivists, or have been convicted previously twice or more times of any crime ;
2. When upon being summoned for the execution of their sentence they have failed to surrender voluntarily ;
3. When they have been convicted of robbery, theft, estafa, malversation of public funds, falsification, vagrancy, or prostitution.

Title Three

Chapter Three
DURATION AND Effect of Penalties

Penalties in which other accessory penalties are inherent

ARTICLE 41. Reclusión perpetua and Reclusión Temporal — Their accessory penalties.
— The penalties of reclusión perpetua and reclusión temporal shall carry with them that of civil interdiction for life or during the period of the sentence as the case may be, and that of perpetual absolute disqualification which the offender shall suffer even though pardoned as to the principal penalty, unless the same shall have been expressly remitted in the pardon.

Title Three

Execution and Service of Penalties

General Provisions

ARTICLE 78. When and how a penalty is to be executed.
— No penalty shall be executed except by virtue of a final judgment.

A penalty shall not be executed in any other form than that prescribed by law, nor with any other circumstances or incidents than those expressly authorized thereby.

In addition to the provisions of the law, the special regulations prescribed for the government of the institutions in which the penalties are to be suffered shall be observed with regard to the character of the work to be performed, the time of its performance, and other incidents connected therewith, the relations of the convicts among themselves and other persons, the relief which they may receive, and their diet.

The regulations shall make provision for the separation of the sexes in different institutions, or at least into different departments, and also for the correction and reform of the convicts.

Title Three

Execution and Service of Penalties

Execution of principal penalties

ARTICLE 86. Reclusión Perpetua, Reclusión Temporal, Prisión Mayor, Prisión correccional and arresto mayor.
— The penalties of reclusión perpetua, reclusión temporal, prisión mayor, prisión correccional, and arresto mayor, shall be executed and served in the places and penal establishments provided by the Administrative Code in force or which may be provided by law in the future.