'Enforcement of national penalties - fines' in document 'Tajikistan - Criminal executive code'

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Section I. Principal provisions of the criminal executive legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan

Chapter 3. Institutions and bodies in charge of execution of a sentence and control over their activities

Article 23. Institutions and bodies in charge of execution of a sentence

1. Penalties of fine and confiscation of property shall be executed by the court, which passed the sentence, as well as by a court at the location place of property, employment and residence places of the convicted person.


Section II. Execution of the punishments not connected with isolation of convicted persons from society

Chapter 4. Execution of the penalty of fine Article 30. Order of execution of the penalty of fine

1. Penalty of fine shall be executed by the marshals of the court from district and city courts at the place of residence or employment of convicted persons or at the place of serving of a principal punishment.

2. A convicted person shall pay fine within thirty days after his sentence comes into legal force.

3. Upon application of the convicted person and conclusion of the marshal, the court may defer or permit payment of fine by installments for a period of up to six months if the convicted person cannot do it in a single payment.

4. If a convicted person fails to pay the fine within fixed period, punishment shall be executed in coercive way including the way of recovery from the property of convicted person mentioned in the first part of the article 199 of present Code in the order established by the civil procedure legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan.

5. Fine may not be recovered from the property mentioned in the list of the property that is not subject to confiscation according to the court sentence.