'Appeal relating to a decision involving an issue that would significantly affect the fair and expeditious conduct of the proceedings or the outcome of the trial - national proceedings' in document 'Russia - Criminal procedure code'

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Part One. General Provisions

Section I. Basic Provisions

Chapter 2. Principles of the Criminal Court Proceedings

Article 19. Right to File Appeals Against Procedural Actions and Decisions

1. The actions (the lack of action) and decisions of the court, of the prosecutor, of the investigator, of the body of inquiry and of the inquirer may be appealed against in accordance with the procedure, established by the present Code.

2. Every one convict shall have the right to the revision of the sentence by a higher placed court in accordance with the procedure, established by Chapters 43-45, 48 and 49 of the present Code .

Part One. General Provisions

Section II. Participants in the Criminal Court Proceedings

Chapter 7. Participants in the Criminal Court Proceedings on the Side of the

Article 46. The Suspect

4. 5) to enter petitions and to file recusations ;

Part One. General Provisions

Section II. Participants in the Criminal Court Proceedings

Chapter 7. Participants in the Criminal Court Proceedings on the Side of the

Article 46. The Suspect

4. 10) to lodge complaints against the actions (the lack of action) and decisions of the court, of the prosecutor, of the investigator or of the inquirer ;

Part One. General Provisions

Section II. Participants in the Criminal Court Proceedings

Chapter 7. Participants in the Criminal Court Proceedings on the Side of the

Article 47. The Accused

4. 14) to lodge complaints against the actions (the lack of action) and decisions of the inquirer, of the investigator, of the prosecutor or of the court, and to take part in their examination by the court ;

Part One. General Provisions

Section II. Participants in the Criminal Court Proceedings

Chapter 7. Participants in the Criminal Court Proceedings on the Side of the

Article 47. The Accused

4. 18) to file an appeal against the sentence, the ruling or the resolution of the court and to receive the copies of the decisions he appeals against ;

Part One. General Provisions

Section V. Petitions and Complaints

Chapter 16. Filing Appeals Against the Actions and Decisions of the Court and of the Officials, Conducting the Criminal Court Proceedings

Article 127. Complaint and Presentation Against the Sentence, Ruling or Resolution of the Court

1. The complaints and presentations against the sentences, rulings and the resolutions of the courts of the first and appeals instances, as well as the complaints and the presentations against the court decisions, taken in the course of the pre-trial proceedings on the criminal case, shall be filed in accordance with the order, established by Chapters 43 - 45 of the present Code.

2. The complaints and the presentations against the court decisions, which have come into the legal force, shall be filed in the order established by Chapters 48 and 49 of the present Code .