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Article 8
Crimes against humanity
1. Anyone who, in the context of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any
civilian population, which is directed or encouraged by a state or an organization which exercises de facto authority in a certain territory:
shall be sentenced to the following penalties:
(aa) Life sentence for the crime of subpar. (a)
(bb) A term of incarceration of at least 10 years, in cases of crimes of the subpar. (b)-(g) (cc) A term of incarceration of at least 5 years, in cases of crimes of the subpar. (h)-(i).
For the crimes of subpar. (c), the court shall also impose a fine ranging from 20.000-200.000 euros.
2. In cases of the crimes proscribed in subpar. (b)-(i) of the preceding par., if they result to
the death of a person, the following sentences shall be imposed:
(aa) instead of a term of incarceration of at least ten years, the penalty of life imprisonment and
(bb) instead of a term of incarceration (5-20 years), the penalty of incarceration of at least ten years.
3. Anyone who commits any of the crimes enumerated in par. 1, with the intention to
maintain an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups, shall be sentenced to a term of incarceration of at least 10 years, unless a heavier sentence applies, according to other penal provisions.
Art. 14
Breach of duty to exercise proper control
1. A military commander who, with the exception of the case of art. 6, intentionally omits to exercise proper control upon his/her subordinates, who are subject to his/her commands or de facto control, shall be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of at least 2 years, in case that the subordinate commits or attempts to commit a criminal act proscribed in this Act, provided that the commander was able to foresee and prevent the commission of this act.
2. A political superior who, with the exception of the case of art. 6, intentionally omits to exercise proper control upon his/her subordinates, who are subject to his/her commands or de facto control, shall be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of at least 2 years, in case that the subordinate commits or attempts to commit a criminal act proscribed in this Act, provided that the commander was able to foresee and prevent the commission of this act.
3. The negligent breach of the above duty shall entail the imposition of a sentence of a term of imprisonment not exceeding 3 years.
Art. 15
Failure to report a crime
A military commander or political superior who omits to report immediately to the competent for investigation and prosecution authority a criminal act proscribed in the present Act, which was committed by one of his/her subordinates, shall be sentenced to a term of imprisonment (from 10 days to 5 years).