Part One
Chapter VII
2. Evidentiary Actions
g) Examination
Examination of a Person
Article 134
An examination of a defendant will be performed even without his consent if it is necessary for establishing facts of importance for the proceedings.
Examinations of other persons may be performed without their consent only if it has to be established whether their bodies bear a certain trace or consequence of a criminal offence.
If the conditions referred to in Article 141 of this Code are fulfilled, samples may be taken for the purpose of analysis from the persons referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article (Articles 141 and 142).
Examination of Objects
Article 135
An examination is performed on movable and immovable objects of the defendant or other persons. An examination of a cadaver is performed if the conditions referred to in Article 129 paragraph 1 of this Code are fulfilled.
Everyone is required to provide for the authority conducting proceedings access to objects and to provide necessary information. Under the conditions referred to in Article 147 of this Code, movable assets may be seized.
If performance of an examination requires entering buildings, dwellings and other premises, the provisions of Article 155 and Article 158 paragraph 1 item 1) of this Code are applied.
Examination of a Location
Article 136
The examination of a location is performed at a crime scene or other location where the objects or traces of a criminal offence are located.
The authority conducting proceedings may take into custody a person found at the location of the examination under the conditions stipulated in Article 290 of this Code.
Other forms of cooperation
Taking of evidence - national proceedings