Part One
Chapter VII
2. Evidentiary Actions
z) Seizure of Objects
Procedure for Seizing an Object
Article 150
A certificate is issued to a person from whom objects are seized in which they will be described, the locations where they were found indicated, data on the person from whom the objects are being sized given, and the capacity and signature of the person conducting the action given.
Documents which may serve as evidence will be listed, and if that is not possible, the documents will be placed under a cover and sealed. The owner of the documents may place his seal on the cover.
The person from whom the documents were seized will be summoned to attend the opening of the cover. If he does not respond or is absent, the authority conducting proceedings will open the cover, inspect the documents and make a list of them. In the inspection of documents care must be taken for unauthorised persons not to be allowed to learn their content.
Other forms of cooperation
Taking of evidence - national proceedings
Search and seizure - national proceedings