
The Penal Code


Chapter IV. Penalties

Article 33. § 1. A fine shall be imposed in terms of daily rates defining the number of daily rates
to be levied and the amount of each rate; unless otherwise provided by law, the lowest number of daily
rates shall be 10, and the highest shall be 360.

§ 2. The court may also impose a fine also in addition to the penalty of deprivation of liberty as
specified in Article 32 subsection 3, if the perpetrator has committed the act in order to gain material
benefit or when he has gained such benefit.

§ 3. In setting the daily rate, the court shall consider the income of the perpetrator, his personal
situation, family situation, property relationships and his earning capacity ; the daily rate may not be lower than 10 Polish zlotys or higher than 2000 Polish zlotys.


Enforcement of fines
Enforcement of sentences imposed
Enforcement of national penalties - fines