
The Penal Code


Chapter XXX. Offences against the Administration of Justice

Article 233. § 1. Whoever, in giving testimony which is to serve as evidence in court proceedings or other proceedings conducted on the basis of a law, gives false testimony or conceals the truth
shall be subject to the penalty of deprivation of liberty for up to 3 years.

§ 2. The prerequisite to this liability is that the person obtaining the testimony, acting within his competence, shall have warned the person testifying of the penal liability for false testimony or obtained a relevant pledge from the latter.

§ 3. Whoever, being unaware of the right to refuse testimony or answer to questions, gives false testimony because of fear of penal liability threatening himself or his next of kin, shall not liable to the penalty.

§ 4. Whoever, acting as an expert, expert witness or translator, provides a false opinion or translation to be used as in proceedings specified in § 1
shall be subject to the penalty of deprivation of liberty for up to 3 years.

§ 5. The court may apply an extraordinary mitigation of the penalty, or even waive its imposition if :
1) the false testimony, opinion or translation concerns circumstances which cannot
affect the outcome of the case,
2) the perpetrator voluntarily corrects the false testimony, opinion or translation
before even a decision which is not final and valid has been rendered in the

§ 6. The provisions of § 1-3 and 5 shall be applied accordingly to a person providing a false statement if a provision of a law provides for the possibility of obtaining a statement under the threat of penal liability.


Offences against administration of justice
Giving false testimony