Part Two
Chapter XVIII
Maintaining order during Investigation
Article 285
(1) During the course of the evidence gathering process, the State Prosecutor or investigative judge shall maintain order and protect participants in the proceedings from insults, threats and any other form of assault.
(2) A fine not exceeding € 1,000 may be imposed on a participant in the proceedings or other person who, during the evidence gathering process and after given caution, has been disturbing order, givingm the participants of the proceedings offenses, or endangering their safety ; The investigative judge shall impose the abovementioned fine at his/her own discretion or upon a motion by the State Prosecutor. If the presence of such person is not necessary, the person may be removed from the place where the evidence gathering action is being carried out.
(3) The accused person may not be fined but s/he may be taken away from the place where the evidence gathering action is being carried out.
(4) If the State Prosecutor disturbs the order, the investigative judge shall proceed pursuant to the provision from Article 321 Paragraph 5 of the present Code.
National penalties - maximum penalty
Sanctions for misconduct before the court - national proceedings
National penalties - national proceedings