
Constitution of Mongolia

Chapter Two
Human Rights and Freedoms

Article 16 [Citizen's Rights]
The citizens of Mongolia are enjoying the following rights and freedoms :

13) The right to personal liberty and safety. No one may be searched, arrested, detained, persecuted, or restricted of liberty save in accordance with procedures and on grounds determined by law. No one may be subjected to torture, inhuman, cruel, or degrading treatment . Where a person is arrested his or her family and counsel shall be notified within a period of time established by law of the reasons for the arrest . Privacy of citizens, their families, correspondence, and homes are protected by law.

14) The right
to appeal to the court for protection if one considers the rights or freedoms spelt out by the Mongolian law or an international treaty to have been violated ;
to be compensated for the damage illegally caused by others ;
not to testify against oneself, one's family, parents, or children ;
to defense ;
to receive legal assistance ;
to have evidence examined ;
to fair trial ;
to be tried in one's presence ;
to appeal against a court decision ;
to seek pardon.
Compelling to testify against oneself is prohibited. Every person is presumed innocent until proven guilty by a court by due process of law . The penalties imposed on the convicted may not be applicable to his or her family members and relatives.


Fair trial standards