
Criminal Code




Article 157a

Whoever violates the rules of international law within an extensive or systematic attack against the civilian population and, with knowledge of such an attack, orders the killing of another person, orders the infliction of conditions of life so as to bring about the physical destruction in whole or in part of some civilian population which could lead to its complete extermination, orders trafficking in human beings, in particular of women and children, or the enslavement of a person in any other way so that some or all of the powers originating in property rights are exercised over such person, orders the forceful displacement of persons from areas where they lawfully reside and through expulsion or other measures of coercion, orders that a person deprived of liberty or under supervision be tortured by intentionally inflicting severe bodily or mental harm or suffering, orders that a person be raped or subjected to some other violent sexual act or that a woman who has been impregnated as a result of such violent act be intentionally kept in detention so as to change the ethnic composition of some population, orders the persecution of a person by depriving him or her of the fundamental rights because this person belongs to a particular group or community, orders the arrest, detention or kidnapping of some persons in the name of and with the permission, support or approval of a state or political organization and subsequently does not admit that these persons have been deprived of their liberty or withholds information about the fate of such persons or the place where they are kept, or orders within an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination of one racial group over another racial group or groups that an inhumane act described in this Article be committed or an act similar to any of these offenses so as to maintain such a regime (the crime of apartheid), or whoever commits any of the foregoing offenses shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than five years or by a long-term inprisonment.


Crimes against humanity
Persecution - crimes against humanity
Any other form of sexual violence - crimes against humanity
Apartheid - crimes against humanity
Civilian population - crimes against humanity
Deportation of population - crimes against humanity
Enforced disappearance - crimes against humanity
Enslavement - crimes against humanity
Extermination - crimes against humanity
Forced pregnancy - crimes against humanity
Forcible transfer of population - crimes against humanity
Imprisonment - crimes against humanity
Knowledge of the attack - crimes against humanity
Murder - crimes against humanity
Persecution against any identifiable collectivity on other grounds universally recognised as impermissible under international law - crimes against humanity
Persecution against any identifiable group on other grounds universally recognised as impermissible under international law - crimes against humanity
Rape - crimes against humanity
Severe deprivation of physical liberty - crimes against humanity
Torture - crimes against humanity
Widespread or systematic attack - crimes against humanity
National penalties - crimes against humanity