
Law on the implementation of the Statute of the International Criminal Court and the prosecution of criminal offences against international law of war and humanitarian law

LAW on the Implementation of the Statute of the International Criminal Court and the Prosecution of Crimes against International Law of War and Humanitarian Law


Article 3

(1) Unless otherwise provided in this Law, the authority competent to receive requests for co-operation and to ensure compliance with them shall be the Government of the Republic of Croatia.

(2) If in a specific area the Constitution or a law provides for an exclusive competence of a state authority, or if it obvious that another state authority will be more expeditious in dealing with a specific request for co-operation, such a request or a decision of the International Criminal Court shall be forwarded by the Government of the Republic of Croatia to that authority for further procedure.

(3) The competent state authorities shall deal with matters concerning co-operation and implementation of the decisions of the International Criminal Court expeditiously and without delay and report thereon to the Government of the Republic of Croatia.

(4) Through an ordinance the Government of the Republic of Croatia can establish bodies in charge of co-operation and execution of requests within their competence, or it can take certain actions to this effect through the Public Attorney's Office.

(5) The actual and local jurisdiction of courts and other state authorities in matters concerning co-operation with and requests of the International Criminal Court shall be defined according to the rules applicable in determining jurisdiction in criminal proceedings or in another procedure dealing with a case in question, unless otherwise provided in this Law.


Competent national authority