LAW on the Implementation of the Statute of the International Criminal Court and the Prosecution of Crimes against International Law of War and Humanitarian Law
Article 5
(1) unless otherwise decided by Government of the Republic of Croatia, the state authorities shall communicate with the International Criminal Court through the Government of the Republic of Croatia in the Croatian language or in one of the official languages of the International Criminal Court.
(2) Communication between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the International Criminal Court shall be conducted through diplomatic channels. In case of emergency or for a justified reason such communication can also be conducted through direct contacts.
(3) If not in contravention of the law and the purpose and intent of the foregoing paragraphs 1 and 2, communication in specific matters can also be conducted via Interpol, with the Government of the Republic of Croatia to be immediately notified on such cases.
(4) The Government of the Republic of Croatia can in any case require that such communication be conducted as envisaged in paragraph 2 of this article.
Article 6
(1) The state authorities competent for co-operation and execution of the requests of the International Criminal Court shall act in compliance with the Croatian law.
(2) In cases where the Croatian law may not be applicable to an action to be taken, appropriate Croatian regulations applicable to similar cases handled before the Croatian state authorities shall apply.
(3) The Law and other regulations of the Republic of Croatia applicable in co-operation with the International Criminal Court shall be construed and applied in a way corresponding to the purpose and intent of the Statute of the International Criminal Court.
(4) Legal regulations on immunities and privileges shall not apply in procedures involving the crimes referred to in Article 2 of this Law.
Article 7
(1) Legal and natural persons are obligated to supply to the competent state authorities or institutions any information, documents, films or objects which may be important in investigating and prosecuting the crimes and in establishing the historic truth about a war and committed war crimes.
(2) In default of a law providing for the obligation specified in the foregoing paragraph, the Government of the Republic of Croatia can designate the competent state authority or institution by an act of ordinance.
Article 8
(1) In the investigation and prosecution of crimes and in the co-operation with the International Criminal Court the highest standards of the protection of and respect for the dignity of witnesses, victims and their families shall be applied under a special law.
(2) Special legal protection, as required, shall be enjoyed by judges, public attorneys and other persons involved in the prosecution of crimes and the co-operation with the International Criminal Court.
Article 9
In the prosecution of crimes and the co-operation with the International Criminal Court, courts and other state authorities shall act urgently, but not to the detriment of legality and regularity.
National procedures for execution of requests for other forms of cooperation