LAW on the Implementation of the Statute of the International Criminal Court and the Prosecution of Crimes against International Law of War and Humanitarian Law
Article 10
(1) Crimes committed in the Republic of Croatia, crimes committed by the Croatian nationals and the crimes the victims of which are the Croatian nationals shall be prosecuted in the Republic of Croatia and brought before a competent Croatian court.
(2) In addition to the crimes specified in the foregoing paragraph, other crimes shall also be prosecuted in the Republic of Croatia, regardless of the place where they were committed or the nationality of the suspect, if the suspect is arrested in or extradited to the Republic of Croatia and the criminal procedure has not been conducted before the International Criminal Court or before a court of another state, or if the respective suspect for one reason or another cannot be tried before the International Criminal Court or a court of the state where the crime was committed, a court of the state of the suspect's residence or another competent court from which a fair trial can be expected.
(3) By way of derogation from paragraph 1 of this article, no crime shall be prosecuted in the Republic of Croatia if already prosecuted by the International Criminal Court, and such a case shall be referred to the International Criminal Court.