LAW on the Implementation of the Statute of the International Criminal Court and the Prosecution of Crimes against International Law of War and Humanitarian Law
Article 42
(1) The representative of the Republic of Croatia at the Assembly of States Parties shall be determined by the Government of the Republic of Croatia.
(2) In addition to the representative mentioned in paragraph 1 above, one or more deputy representatives and experts on international criminal law may participate in the work of the Assembly.
(3) In accordance with the Statute and other documents of the ICC the Government of the Republic of Croatia shall ensure appropriate participation of the representatives of the Republic of Croatia in the work of other bodies of the ICC.
Article 43
(1) In the procedure for the election or appointment of judges or other officials or staff of the ICC, the Government of the Republic of Croatia shall publish an invitation to the eligible persons to apply within a defined period of time, if the election or appointment is carried out at the proposal of the States Parties and if the Government believes that the Republic of Croatia should propose a candidate.
(2) If it finds it appropriate, the Government of the Republic of Croatia will also publish the information about the upcoming election or appointment in the ICC when candidates are expected to apply to the ICC directly.
(3) In the case mentioned in paragraph 1 above the Government of the Republic of Croatia shall conduct the procedure in such a manner so as to secure its transparency, the possibility for governmental and non-governmental professional and humanitarian bodies and organisations, and the application of the highest professional and moral criteria.
(4) When the Statute or other document of the ICC prescribes a special procedure for the election or appointment, the Government of the Republic of Croatia shall conduct the procedure in this manner, applying the appropriate provisions of the domestic law analogously.
Enforcement of fines
Enforcement of forfeiture orders
Enforcement of sentences imposed
Transfer of sentenced person to State
Willingness to accept sentenced persons
Enforcement of sentence of imprisonment
Conditions attached to the willingness to accept sentenced persons