
Criminal Procedure Code

(1) In criminal proceedings, the defendant shall have the right to:

1. before the interrogation or any other action regulated by this Act, be dully informed of the grounds for the suspicion that he has committed the offence he is being charged with;

2. freely testify, refuse to testify completely or refuse to answer a posed question,

3. plead not guilty,

4. retain a defence counsel of his own choice,

5. be appointed a defence counsel in cases prescribed by this Act,

6. communicate freely with his defence counsel without supervision unless, by way of an exception, the
court or the State Attorney orders supervision,

7. have the defence counsel present, or must have the defence counsel present in cases prescribed by law, at his interrogation,

8. inspect, copy, record files and objects which serve as evidence, pursuant to this Act,

9. suggest evidence,

10. participate in evidentiary and other procedural actions in accordance with this Act,

11. make a motion for certain actions, a petition rendering of rulings and file motions in the proceedings,

12. use his native language in the proceedings and be provided with an interpreter in accordance with this Act,

13. appeal to the indictment;

14. participate in the examination session of the indictment,

15. plead guilty and communicate about the sanction,

16. participate at the hearing and evidentiary hearing;

17. propose judicial remedies and other legal means.


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