PART III – Offences Against the Administration of Lawful Authority
Offences relating to the administration of Justice.
118. Any person who gives or offers or promises to give any witness or to any person about to be called as a witness in any judicial proceeding any gratification upon any understanding or agreement that the testimony of that witness or person shall be thereby influenced, or who attempts by any means whatsoever to induce any witness to give false evidence or to withhold true testimony, is guilty of a misdemeanour and is liable to imprisonment for three years. Inducing witnesses to give false or to with-hold true testimony.
119. Any person who practises any fraud or deceit, or knowingly makes or exhibits any false statement, representation, token or writing, to any person called or to be called as a witness in any judicial proceeding, with intent to affect the testimony of such person as a witness, is guilty of a misdemeanour.
Offences against administration of justice
Corruptly influencing a witness, obstructing or interfering with the attendance or testimony of a witness, retaliating against a witness for giving testimony or destroying, tampering with or interfering with the collection of evidence