Article 20. Criminal Liability of a Legal Entity
1. A legal entity shall be held liable solely for the criminal acts the commission whereof is subject to liability of a legal entity as provided for in the Special Part of this Code.
2. A legal entity shall be held liable for the criminal acts committed by a natural person solely where a criminal act was committed for the benefit or in the interests of the legal entity by a natural person acting independently or on behalf of the legal entity, provided that he, while occupying an executive position in the legal entity, was entitled :
1) to represent the legal entity, or
2) to take decisions on behalf of the legal entity, or
3) to control activities of the legal entity.
3. A legal entity may be held liable for criminal acts also where they have been committed by an employee or authorised representative of the legal entity as a result of insufficient supervision or control by the person indicated in paragraph 2 of this Article.
4. Criminal liability of a legal entity shall not release from criminal liability a natural person who has committed, organised, instigated or assisted in commission of the criminal act.
5. The State, a municipality, a state and municipal institution and agency as well as international public organisation shall not be held liable under this Code.
Criminal responsibility of legal persons