Article 235. False Testimony, Conclusions and Translation
1. A person who, during a pre-trial investigation, in court or before the International Criminal Court or at another international judicial institution, gives false testimony as a witness or the victim, presents false conclusions or clarifications as an expert or a specialist or as a translator makes a false translation or a translation known to be incorrect
shall be punished by community service or by a fine or by restriction of liberty or by arrest or by imprisonment for a term of up to two year.
2. A person who, during impeachment proceedings, gives false testimony as a witness, presents false conclusions or clarification as an expert or a specialist or as a translator makes a false translation or a translation known to be incorrect to a special investigation commission formed by the Seimas or to the Seimas or who submits a false notice, clarification, information or data to an ad hoc investigation commission of the Seimas or to a Seimas committee whereto the Seimas has granted the powers of an ad hoc investigation commission
shall be punished by community service or by a fine or by restriction of liberty or by arrest or by imprisonment for a term of up to two year.
3. A person who commits the act indicated in paragraph 1 of this Article accusing a person of commission of a serious or grave crime
shall be punished by a fine or by restriction of liberty or by arrest or by imprisonment for a term of up to five years.
4. The victim or a witness shall not be held liable for giving false testimony where, under laws, he has the right to refuse to give testimony, however was not made familiar with this right before questioning.
Offences against administration of justice
Giving false testimony
National penalties - offences against the administration of justice
National penalties - maximum penalty