
The Criminal Law

General Part

Chapter II
Criminal Offences

Section 15. Completed and Uncompleted Criminal Offences

(1) A criminal offence shall be considered completed if it has all the constituent elements of a criminal offence set out in this Law.

(2) Preparation for a crime and an attempted crime are uncompleted criminal offences.

(3) The locating of, or adaptation of, means or instrumentalities, or the intentional creation of circumstances conducive for the commission of an intentional offence, shall be considered to be preparation for a crime if, in addition, it has not been continued for reasons independent of the will of the guilty party. Criminal liability shall result only for preparation for serious or especially serious crimes.

(4) A conscious act (failure to act), which is directly dedicated to intentional commission of a crime, shall be considered to be an attempted crime if the crime has not been completed for reasons independent of the will of the guilty party.

(5) Liability for preparation for a crime or an attempted crime shall apply in accordance with the same section of this Law as sets out liability for a specific offence.

(6) A person shall not be held criminally liable for an attempt to commit a criminal violation.

