Chapter 4
Attempt and Complicity
ยง 23
(1) The penalty in respect of an offence shall apply to any person who has contributed to the execution of the wrongful act by instigation, advice or action. The punishment may be reduced for any person who has only intended to give assistance of minor importance, or to strengthen an intention already existing and if the offence has not been completed or an intended assistance has failed.
(2) The punishment may similarly be reduced for a person who has contributed to the breach of a duty in a special relationship in which he himself had no part.
(3) Unless otherwise provided, the penalty for participation in offences that are not punishable more severely than with imprisonment for 4 months may be remitted where the accomplice only intended to give assistance of minor importance or to strengthen an intention already existing, or where his complicity is due to negligence.
The accomplice shall not be punished if, under the conditions laid down in Section 22 of this Act, he prevents the completion of the offence or takes steps which would have prevented its completion had it not, without his knowledge, already been unsuccessful or averted in some other way.