Chapter 7 - Joint punishment
Section 1 - Sentencing to a joint punishment of imprisonment (755/2010)
(1) If a person is to be sentenced to imprisonment for two or more offences at the same time, he or she shall be sentenced to a joint punishment of imprisonment, unless otherwise provided elsewhere in law.
(2) In cases where one offence would be punishable by imprisonment and one or more of the other offences would be punishable by a fine or a summary penal fee, the court may pass a joint sentence of imprisonment for all the offences. The court may also impose a joint sentence of imprisonment for some of the offences and, in addition, a fine or summary penal fine for the other offences, but not both a fine and a summary penal fine.
(3) If one offence would be punishable by life imprisonment, a sentence of life imprisonment shall be passed as a joint punishment for all the offences.
Enforcement of sentences imposed
National procedures re enforcement of sentences imposed
Enforcement of national penalties - conditions of imprisonment
Enforcement of national penalties - imprisonment
Joint sentence following multiple convictions - national proceedings