
Act on the Amendment of the Penal Code No 1285/2000

A new section 19 a shall be added to Chapter 16 of the Penal Code (39/1889) enacted on 19 December 1889, as follows:

Chapter 16 – Offences against the public authorities (563/1998)

Section 12 a – Offences against the administration of justice by the International Criminal Court

For the purposes of application of the provisions on false statement, false denunciation, falsification of evidence, and threatening a person to be heard in the administration of justice, “a court of law” shall also mean the International Criminal Court and “criminal investigations” shall also mean an investigation referred to in the Statute of the International Criminal Court.

Section 19 a – Offences against the International Criminal Court

“A public official” referred to in sections 1-3 [violent resistance to a public official, resistance to a public official and obstruction of a public official], and sections 13 and 14 [bribery and aggravated bribery] of this chapter shall also mean an official of the International Criminal Court.


Offences against administration of justice