Chapter I. Conditions for Authority of Penalties, Sphere of Application of Penal Law et al.
Art. 6
1. Offences against the independence of the Icelandic State, its security, Constitution and public authorities ; offences committed in violation of duty to the Icelandic State and offences against interests protected by Icelandic Law on account of close relationship to the Icelandic State.
2. Offences in violation of a duty on the part of the perpetrator to be performed abroad according to Icelandic Law and also offences in violation of a duty of employment on board an Icelandic craft.
3. Offences against the interests of Icelandic citizens or persons resident in Iceland, if committed outside the criminal jurisdiction of other States under International Law.
[4. For violations of para. 2, 3 and 4 of Art. 165 and also for homicide, bodily harm, deprivation of freedom and other acts of violence committed in connection with violations of these provisions and for conduct to which the international Convention of 23 September 1971 for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving International Civil Aviation and a Protocol thereto of 24 February 1988 applies. Legal action under this clause shall, however, only be taken if ordered by the Minister of Justice.]
[5. For conduct to which the Convention of 14 December 1973 on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes Against Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents, applies.]
[6. For conduct to which Article 1 of the European Convention of 27 January 1977 on the Suppression of Terrorism applies. Legal action under this clause shall, however, only be taken if ordered by the Minister of Justice.]
[7. For conduct to which the International Convention of 18 December 1979 against the Taking of Hostages applies.] Legal action under this clause shall, however, only be taken if ordered by the Minister of Justice.]
[8. For incorrect sworn testimony before the Court of the EFTA States, provided the Court has required prosecution.]
[9. For conduct to which the Convention of 10 December 1984 against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment applies. Legal action under this clause shall, however, only be taken if ordered by the Minister of Justice.]
[10. For conduct described in the Convention of 21 November 1997 on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions. ]
[11. For conduct to which the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty of 10 September 1996 applies.]
[12. For conduct to which the Convention on the Safety of the United Nations and Associated Personnel of 9 December 1994 applies.]
[13. For conduct specified in the Convention to Prevent Illegal Activities Against Safety in Sailing at Sea of 10 March 1988.
14. For conduct specified in Protocol on Preventing Illegal Activities Against Seabed Fixed Constructions on the Continental Shelf of 10 March 1988.
15. For conduct specified in a Convention on the Custody of Nuclear Reactor Substances of 3 March 1980.
[16.] For conduct specified in the International Convention or Preventing Terrorist Explosions (Bombings) of 15 December 1997.
[17.] For conduct specified in the International Convention on Preventing the Financing of Terrorism Activities of 9 December 1999.]
[18. For conduct specified in an Agreement in the field of Criminal Law on Corruption of 27 January 1999.]