2. Procedure where accused confess guilt at preliminary enquiry.
(1) Except when the charge is one of treason or murder, if an accused person in any statement referred to in section 56 of the Magistrate's Code of Procedure Act says or admits that he is guilty of the charge, then the Magistrate shall further say to him the words following, or words to the like effect : -
" Do you wish the witnesses again to appear to give "evidence against you at your trial? If you do not, you "will now be committed for sentence instead of being "committed for trial".
If the accused, in answer to such question, states that he does not wish the witnesses again .to appear to give evidence against him, his statement shall be taken down in writing and read to him and shall be signed by the Magistrate and by the accused, if he will, and shall be kept with the depositions of the witnesses.
Fair trial standards
Rights during trial - examine witnesses
National proceedings on admission of guilt
Sentencing - national proceedings
Sentencing - national procedures for national proceedings
Determination of sentence - national proceedings