Antigua and Barbuda

Chapter 117 - The Criminal Procedure Act


67. Judge to report case of any prisoner under sentence of death, and Judge in certain cases may reprieve.

In the case of any prisoner sentenced to the punishment of death, a report of such case shall, without
delay and previously to the sentence being carried into sentence of execution, be made by the judge before whom such prisoner was convicted (or by the Chief Justice, if a report from the judge cannot be obtained) to the Governor-General and, at the time when that report is made, a copy thereof shall be submitted by the judge or, as the case may be, the Chief Justice to the Advisory Committee on the Prorogative of Mercy established by the Constitution ; and if the judge or, as the case may be, the Chief Justice thinks such prisoner ought to be recommended for the exercise of the Royal mercy, or if from the non-decision of any point of law reserved in the case, or from any other causes, it is necessary to delay the execution, he, or any other Judge of the same Court, or who might have held, or sat in, such Court, may, from time to time, either in term, or in vacation, reprieve such offender for such period, or periods, beyond the time fixed for the execution of sentence, as may be necessary for the consideration of the case by the Crown.


National penalties - death sentence
National penalties - national proceedings