Marshall Islands

Rules of Criminal Procedure


Rule 29.1. Trial Procedure.

The following is the usual trial procedure, which may be modified by the court to fit the circumstances of a particular case.

(a) Opening Statements. Prior to the presentation of evidence, the prosecution may make an opening statement. The defendant make may an opening statement after that given by the prosecution, unless the defendant elects to make an opening statement after the conclusion of the prosecution's case and before presenting evidence. The opening statement may not be used to argue law, but may identify what the prosecution or the defendant expects the evidence to be or how that evidence will prove the case. Counsel must refrain from making remarks that cannot be proven, but may state fully the matters counsel expects to prove by admissible evidence. Although counsel may argue as forcefully and ably as counsel's abilities permit, counsel may not inflame the passions of the jury or appeal to jury prejudice.


Fair trial standards
Rights during trial - unsworn oral or written statement in defence