
Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic




Article 105. Destruction of population

Full or partial destruction of population at absence of attributes of a genocide
shall be punished by imprisonment for the term from ten up to fifteen years or life imprisonment.

NOTE : Crimes shall be admitted as crimes against safety of mankind at deliberate acts provided by articles 105-113 of the present chapter, being component to large-scale or regular attacks on civilians in peace time, and military time.

Article 106. Slavery

106.1. The slavery, that is full or partial realization above a person of the competencies inherent to the property right
shall be punished by imprisonment for the term from five up to ten years.

106.2. The same act accomplished concerning a minor or with the purpose of moving of a person in the foreign state
shall be punished by imprisonment for the term from seven up to twelve years.

106.3. Slavery sales, that is maintenance of the person with a purpose of transfer into to slave or use as a slave, his sale or an exchange, and also any act connected with slave sales or transfer into slave, as well as sexual slavery or an encroachment on sexual freedom on grounds of slavery
shall be punished by imprisonment for the term from five up to ten years.

Article 107. Deportation or forced exile of population

Forced exile of population from lawful places of a settlement to other state or exile by other compulsory actions, without grounds provided by norms of international law and laws of the Azerbaijan Republic
shall be punished by imprisonment for the term from ten up to fifteen years.

Article 108. Sexual violence

Rape, compulsion to prostitution, compulsory sterilization or commitment against persons of other actions connected to sexual violence
shall be punished by imprisonment for the term from ten up to fifteen years or life imprisonment.

Article 108-1. Compulsory pregnancy
Came into force by the law of the Azerbaijan Republic from July2, 2001.

Illegal imprisonment of a woman, for forced pregnancy with a view to change ethnic structure of this or another population or accompanying another gross infringements of international law
shall be punished by imprisonment for the term from ten up to fifteen years or life imprisonment.

Article 109. Discrimination

Prosecution of any group or organization on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious motives, motives of a sexual belonging or on grounds of another motive forbidden by norms of international law, that is rough infringement of rights of people for a belonging to these groups or organizations, connected with other crimes against safety of mankind
shall be punished by imprisonment for the term of from five till ten years.

Article 110. Violent keeping of a person

Detention, arrest or kidnapping of a person with the purpose of deprivation of lawful protection on long term under task, support or with consent of the state or political organization and subsequent denying of the fact on imprisonment of a person or refusal giving data about his attendance or place of staying shall be punished by imprisonment for the term from five up to ten years or life imprisonment.

Article 111. Racial discrimination (apartheid)

111.0. The acts accomplished with a purpose of the organization and maintenance of superiority of one racial group for destroying of other racial group :

111.0.1. denying of a members right of racial group or groups on life and freedom, that is murder of members of racial group or groups, drawing of heavy harm to their health or serious harm to mental faculties, application to them of tortures or reference severe, brutal or humiliating advantage and punishments, as well as any arrest or illegal imprisonment ;
111.0.2. creation for racial group or groups of the living conditions designed for their full or partial physical destruction ;
111.0.3. realization of any legislative or other action with a purpose, of hindrance to participation of racial group or groups in political, social, economic and cultural life of the country, to development of such group or groups by denying belonging to members of this group or groups of rights and freedom of a person, including a right to work, creation of trade unions, education, departure and entrance to the country, citizenship, a freedom to move and a choose of a residence, idea and word, associations and assemblies ;
111.0.4. implementation of any measures, including legislative, with the purpose of division of a population into racial groups by means of creation of reservoirs and ghetto, prohibitions of mixed marriages between various racial groups, forced take of ground areas belonging to racial group or groups or their members without their consent ;
111.0.5. operation of work of persons belonging to racial group or groups ;
111.0.6. prosecution of organizations and persons opposing apartheid, by means of deprivation of their right and freedom
shall be punished by imprisonment for the term from ten up to fifteen years or life imprisonment.

Article 112. Imprisonment in infringement of international law norms

Arrest or other imprisonment of persons, in infringement of international law norms
shall be punished by imprisonment for the term from five up to eight years.

Article 113. Application of tortures

Causing of a physical pain or mental sufferings to detained persons or persons, or other restrictions of freedom
shall be punished by imprisonment for the term from seven up to ten years.


Crimes against humanity