Chapter 15. Crimes Against Justice and the Order for Carrying Out Punishment
Article 352. Deliberately False Testimony or Expert Findings, or Incorrect Translation
1. Deliberately false testimony of a witness or a victim, or findings of an expert in court, or in the carrying out of an inquest or a preliminary investigation, as well as intentionally incorrect translation made by a translator in the same cases, -
shall be punished by a fine in an amount from one hundred up to two hundred monthly assessment indices, or in an amount of wages or other income of a given convict for a period from one to two months, or by engagement in public works for a period from one hundred eighty up to two hundred forty hours, or by correctional labour for a period up to two years, or by detention under arrest for a period up to three months.
2. The same acts combined with an accusation of a person in the commission of a grave or an especially grave corruption crime, or combined with artificial creation of evidence for the prosecution, as well as such acts committed for venal purposes, -
shall be punished by imprisonment for a period from three to eight years.
Note. A witness, victim, expert, or translator shall be exempt from criminal liability, if they voluntarily in the course of an inquest, preliminary investigation, or a court hearing, prior to the passing of a sentence or a decision by the court, admitted the falsity of evidence given by them, findings, or incorrect translation.
Offences against administration of justice
Giving false testimony
National penalties - offences against the administration of justice
National penalties - maximum penalty