
Law on Cooperation with the International Criminal Court (ICC Act) - Article 1

Part 2 Surrender of Persons

§ 11 Provisional Detention of Persons to be Surrendered
(relating to Article 59 para. 1 and 10 Article 92 of the Rome Statute)

(1) When there is a request of the Court for provisional arrest accompanied by the documents set forth in Article 92 para. 2 of the Rome Statute, provisional detention for surrender shall be ordered. The order of detention for surrender shall be rescinded when the suspect has been detained for a total of 60 days for the purpose of the surrender since the day of capture or provisional arrest without a request by the Court for arrest and surrender, nor presentation of the documents required by the Statute to the office responsible pursuant to § 68 para. 1, nor a declaration by the suspect within this deadline of his agreement with streamlined surrender (§ 33).


Request for provisional arrest
Contents of request for provisional arrest
Provisional arrest - release - ICC proceedings