
Criminal Code

General Provisions

Essence of Criminal Responsibility

Participation In Commission of A Crime

Connected offenses

ARTICLE 40- (1) If an act is executed intentionally and contrary to the laws, then this is considered as participation in commission of offense. Each person participating in commission of an offense is punished according to his involvement in the offense, irrespective of the personal reasons avoiding the punishment of the other.

(2) In particular offenses the person possessing the characteristics of a perpetrator is defined as offender. The others who participate in commission of offense are kept responsible from commission of offense as soliciting or supporting parties.

(3) In order to keep a person responsible from participation in commission of an offense, at least there must be an attempt to commit offense.

Voluntary Abandonment in Jointly Committed Offenses

ARTICLE 41-(1) In jointly committed offenses, only the accomplice who voluntarily abandons the attempt to commit offense may benefit from the provisions of the law relating to voluntary abandonment.

(2) The provisions relating to voluntary abandonment is applied ;

a) If the commission of offense is not bound to any other reason than the efforts shown by the person who voluntarily abandons the attempt.
b) If the offense is committed despite all the efforts of the person who voluntarily abandons the attempt.


Joint commission