
Law on Cooperation with the International Criminal Court (ICC Act) - Article 1

Part 2 Surrender of Persons

§ 28 German Criminal Proceeding and Request for Surrender

(2) If provisional detention for surrender of the suspect is ordered pursuant to § 11 para. 2 and the Court has not requested provisional arrest within the deadline foreseen in § 11 para. 3, the proceedings will be resumed. The proceedings will also be resumed when provisional detention for surrender of the suspect has been ordered based upon a request for provisional arrest pursuant to § 11 para. 1 sentence 1 and the Court has not requested arrest and surrender within the deadline set forth in § 11 para. 1 sentence 2. If the court has temporarily discontinued the proceedings, a court decision is required for resumption. Nothing shall hinder a discontinuance in accordance with para. 1 of a proceeding that had previously been resumed.


Provisional arrest for ICC proceedings - national procedures
Provisional arrest - release - ICC proceedings