Article 83. Interpreter
1. Interpreter is a person, disinterested personally in the criminal case, invited by a body conducting criminal trial, for interpretation.
2. The interpreter shall have a free command of the language of criminal proceedings, as well as the language, from which the translation is conducted. The judge and as well as the prosecutor, the officer of the body of inquiry, the defense attorney, the representative and other participants of the trial, the witness to a search, the expert, the witness are not entitled to be interpreters.
3. An interpreter, pursuant to this Code, is considered also a person, who understands the signs of the deaf-mutes people and is capable to communicate with the deaf though signs.
4. The interpreter has the following obligations:
1) to arrive upon the call of the body, conducting the criminal trial, for conduct of translation;
2) to present to the body, conducting the criminal trial, documents, verifying his/her qualification as an interpreter;
3) to communicate, upon the demand of the body, conducting the criminal trial and also the parties, information on his/her professional experience and on relations with the people participating in the proceedings of respective criminal case;
4) to be at the location of the implementation of investigatory or other procedure action, in the room of court session during all the time, until it is necessary for him/her to provide interpretation, and not to leave the location of the implementation of the named action without the permission of the person, conducting it, and from the room of court session, without the permission of the presiding person;
5) to conduct interpretation fully, correctly and timely;
6) to obey the lawful instructions of the prosecutor, the investigator, the body of inquiry, of the presiding person;
7) to observe order at the court session;
8) to verify with his/her signature the fullness and the correctness of the translation in the protocol of investigatory or other procedure action, in the proceedings of which he/she participated, and also the correctness of the translation in the documents, issued in translation to the persons, participating in the proceedings of the criminal case;
9) to not divulge, without the permission of the body, conducting the criminal trial, the information, became known to him/her in connection with the participation in the investigatory action or during the closed-door session of the court.
5. Failure to perform one's obligations by the interpreter produces responsibility, prescribed by the law.
6. The interpreter has the right:
1) to ask questions to the persons, present during the interpretation, to make the translation more accurate;
2) to acquaint himself/herself with the protocols of investigatory or other procedure action, in which he/she participated, and also, in the respective part, with the protocol of the court session and to make remarks, subject to inclusion to the protocol, on the fullness and correctness of the record of translation;
3) to receive compensation of the expenses, incurred during the proceedings of the criminal case.
7. The interpreter has also other rights and bears other responsibilities, prescribed by this Code.
Rights during investigation - access to interpreter and translation if questioned in other language
Rights during trial - interpretation and translation