Article 7. The operation of the law on criminal liability in regard to offenses committed by citizens of Ukraine or stateless persons outside Ukraine
1. Citizens of Ukraine and stateless persons permanently residing in Ukraine, who have committed offenses outside Ukraine, shall be criminally liable under this Code, unless otherwise provided by the international treaties of Ukraine, the consent to the binding effect of which has been granted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
2. Where the persons referred to in the first paragraph of this Article underwent criminal punishment for the committed criminal offenses outside Ukraine, they shall not be criminally liable for these criminal offenses in Ukraine.
Article 8. The operation of the law on criminal liability in regard to offenses committed by foreign nationals or stateless persons outside Ukraine
Foreign nationals or stateless persons not residing permanently in Ukraine, who have committed criminal offenses outside Ukraine, shall be criminally liable in Ukraine under this Code in such cases as provided for by the international treaties, or if they have committed any of the special grave offenses against rights and freedoms of Ukrainian citizens or Ukraine as prescribed by this Code.
(Article 8 as amended by Law No 3316-IV (3316-15) of 12.01.2006)