87. Cases where one offence is abetted and a different offence is committed.
(1) Where a person abets a particular offence, or abets an offence against or in respect of a particular person or thing, and the person abetted actually commits a different offence, or commits the offence against or in respect of a different person or thing, or in a manner different from that which was intended by the abettor, the following provisions shall have effect, that is to say —
(a) if it appears that the offence actually committed was not a probable consequence of the endea-vour to commit, nor was substantially the same as the offence which the abettor intended to abet, nor was within the scope of the abetment, the abettor shall be punishable for his abetment of the offence which he intended to abet in the manner provided by this Title with respect to the abetment of offences which are not actually committed;
(b) in any other case, the abettor shall be deemed to have abetted the offence which was actually committed, and shall be liable to punishment accordingly.
(2) If a person abets a riot or unlawful assembly, with the knowledge that unlawful violence is intended or is likely to be used, he is guilty of abetting violence of any kind or degree which is committed by any other person in executing the purposes of the riot or assembly, although he did not expressly intend to abet violence of that kind or degree.
Individual criminal responsibility