Part One
Chapter IV
Article 50. Defendants
1. Defendants are persons whom the courts have decided to bring for trial.
2. Defendants have the following rights:
a/ To receive decisions to bring the cases for trial; decisions to apply, change or cancel deterrent measures; decisions to cease the cases; judgments and/or decisions of the courts; and other procedural decisions as prescribed by this Code;
b/ To participate in court sessions;
c/ To be explained on their rights and obligations;
d/ To request the change of procedure-conducting persons, experts and/or interpreters in accordance with this Code;
e/ To present documents, objects as well as claims;
f/ To defend by themselves or ask other persons to defend them; g/ To present opinions, argue at court sessions;
h/ To have final words before the judgment deliberation;
i/ To appeal against judgments and decisions of the courts;
j/ To complain about procedural decisions and acts of the bodies and persons with procedure-conducting competence.
3. Defendants must appear in response to the subpoenas of the courts; in case of non-appearance without plausible reasons, they may be escorted; if they escape, they shall be pursued.
Rights during trial - informed promptly and in detail of charges
Rights during trial - counsel of accused's choosing
Rights during trial - present at trial
Rights during trial - conduct defence in person
Rights during trial - raise defences