Title III Of Crimes against the Administration of Justice and other Public Administrations
Sub-title IV
115. (1) Any public officer or servant who, in connection with his office or employment, requests, receives or accepts for himself or for any other person, any reward or promise or offer of any reward in money or other valuable consideration or of any other advantage to which he is not entitled, shall, on conviction, be liable to punishment as follows:
(a) where the object of the reward, promise or offer, be to induce the officer or servant to do what he is in duty bound to do, the punishment shall be imprisonment for a term from six months to three years;
(b) where the object be to induce the officer or servant to forbear from doing what he is in duty bound to do, the punishment shall, for the mere acceptance of the reward, promise or offer, be imprisonment for a term from nine months to five years;
(c) where, besides accepting the reward, promise, or offer, the officer or servant actually fails to do what he is in duty bound to do, the punishment shall be imprisonment for a term from one year to eight years.
(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code or of any other law, when the offence against the provisions of this article is committed by a person who, at the time when the offence was committed, held the office of Minister, Parliamentary Secretary, Member of the House of Representatives, Mayor or Local Councillor and the offence involved the abuse of such office, the provisions of Title VI of Part III of Book Second of this Code shall not apply to the said person or to any accomplice.
116. (1) Where the crime referred to in paragraph (c) of the last preceding article consists in sentencing a defendant or person accused, the punishment shall be imprisonment for a term from eighteen months to ten years:
Provided that in no case shall the punishment be lower than that to which the defendant or person accused has been sentenced.
(2) Where the punishment to which the defendant or person accused is sentenced is higher than the punishment of imprisonment for ten years, such higher punishment shall be applied.
117. Where the crime referred to in article 115(c) consists in
the release of a person charged with an offence, or in the discharge of a defendant or person accused, the punishment shall be as follows:
(a) where the charge, complaint, or indictment be in respect of a crime liable to a punishment higher than that of imprisonment for a term of two years, the punishment shall be imprisonment for a term from three years to nine years;
(b) where it be in respect of an offence liable to a punishment not higher than that of imprisonment for a term of two years, but not falling in the class of contraventions, the punishment shall be imprisonment for a term from eighteen months to five years;
(c) where it be in respect of a contravention, the punishment shall be imprisonment for a term from nine months to two years.
National penalties - offences against the administration of justice
National penalties - maximum penalty