
Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan




Article 230. Bringing Innocent Person to Liability

Engaging by an inquiry officer, investigator, or prosecutor of a knowingly innocent person as an accused for commission of a socially dangerous act Ð
shall be punished with imprisonment up to five years.

The same action that has been jointed with accusation in committing of a serious or especially serious socially dangerous act –
shall be punished with imprisonment from five to eight years.

Article 231. Rendering Unjust Sentence, Decision, Finding, or Ruling

Rendering of a knowingly unjust sentence, decision, finding, or ruling –
shall be punished with imprisonment up to five years.

The same action that has resulted in death of a person or other grave consequences –
shall be punished with imprisonment from five to ten years. Article 232. Non-Execution of Judicial Decision

Intentional non-execution by an official of a court sentence, decision, finding, or ruling or impeding execution thereof –
shall be punished with fine up to fifty minimum monthly wages, or deprivation of certain right up to five years, or correctional labor up to three years, or imprisonment up to three years.

Article 233. Illegal Disposal of Attached Property

Illegal disposal, that is appropriation, embezzlement, concealment, destruction, or damaging of attached or pledged property by a person, to whom this property has been entrusted, which has resulted in considerable damage –
shall be punished with a fine from fifty to one hundred minimum monthly wages, or correctional labor up to three years, or arrest up to six months, or imprisonment up to five years.
(As amended by the Law of 29.08.2001)

In the instance of treble recovery of the pecuniary damage, penalty of imprisonment shall not be imposed.
(As amended by the Law of 20.08.1999)

Article 234. Illegal Detention or Taking into Custody

Knowingly illegal detention, that is short-term restriction of liberty of a person by an inquiry officer, investigator, or prosecutor in the absence of legal grounds –
shall be punished with a fine up to fifty minimum monthly wages or arrest up to sex months.

Knowingly illegal taking into custody or holding in custody –
shall be punished with a fine from fifty to one hundred minimum monthly wages or imprisonment up to three years.

Article 235. Coercion to Giving Testimony

Coercion to giving testimony, that is mental or physical pressure on a suspect, accused, witness, victim, or examiner by threats, striking, beating, tormenting, causing of suffering, inflicting of trivial or medium bodily injury or other illegal acts committed by an inquiry officer, investigator, or prosecutor with the purpose to coerce to giving testimony –
shall be punished with arrest up to six months or imprisonment up to five years.

The same action that has resulted in grave consequences –
shall be punished with imprisonment from five to eight years.

Article 236. Interference in Investigation or Consideration of Cases in Court

Interference in investigation or consideration of cases in court, that is illegal influence in any form on an inquiry officer, investigator, or prosecutor with the purpose to impede thorough, full and objective investigation of a case or on a judge for rendering an unjust sentence, decision, finding, or ruling –
shall be punished with correctional labor up to three years or imprisonment up to three years.

The same action that has been committed by an official –
shall be punished with arrest up to six months or imprisonment from three to five years with deprivation of certain right.

Article 237. False Information

False information, that is a knowingly false communication about a crime –
shall be punished with a fine from twenty-five to fifty minimum monthly wages, or correctional labor up to three years, or arrest up to six months.

The same action that has been committed:
a. with creating artificial evidence of accusation;
b. from mercenary motives;
c. in interests of an organized group –
shall be punished with fine from fifty to seventy-five minimum monthly wages or imprisonment up to five years.
The same act that has resulted in grave consequences –
shall be punished with imprisonment from five to eight years.
(Paragraphs 2 and 3 as amended by the Law of 29.08.2001)

Article 238. Perjured Testimony

Perjured testimony, that is knowingly false testimony of a witness or victim or knowingly false opinion of a forensic examiner, as well as knowingly wrong translation/interpretation from one language into another in the course of inquiry, pretrial investigation or in court –
shall be punished with fine up to twenty-five minimum monthly wages, or correctional labor up to two years, or arrest up to six months.

Tampering with witness or victim to give false testimony or with a forensic examiner to give false opinion, or with a translator/interpreter to make a wrong translation/interpretation in the course of inquiry, preliminary investigation or judicial consideration of the case, as well as forcing to perjured testimony by mental and physical pressure on them or on their close relatives –
shall be punished with correctional labor from two to three years or imprisonment up to three years.

The actions punishable under Paragraph 1 or 2 of this Article committed in interests of an organized group –
shall be punished with imprisonment from three to five years.

Article 239. Disclosure of Information of Inquiry or Pretrial Investigation

Disclosure of information of inquiry or preliminary investigation without authorization of inquiry officer, investigator, or prosecutor –
shall be punished with fine up to fifty minimum monthly wages, or correctional labor up to three years, or imprisonment up to three years.

Article 240. Evasion of Participants of Criminal Proceedings from Performing Obligations

Refusal or evasion of a witness from giving testimony or of a forensic examiner from giving opinion during the conduct of inquiry, preliminary investigation or in court –
shall be punished with fine up to twenty-five minimum monthly wages or arrest up to three months.

Close relatives of the suspect, accused, or defendant shall not be liable for refusal or evasion from giving witness testimony.

Article 241. Failure to Report about Crime or Concealment Thereof

Failure to report about a certainly known serious or especially serious crime being prepared or having been committed –
shall be punished with fine up to fifty minimum monthly wages, or correctional labor up to two years, or arrest up to six months, or imprisonment up to three years.

Concealment of a serious or especially serious crime that has not been promised beforehand –
shall be punished with fine up to seventy-five minimum monthly wages, or correctional labor up to three years, or imprisonment up to five years.


National penalties - offences against the administration of justice