Russian Federation

Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation

Part One. General Provisions

Section III. Proof and Proving

Chapter 12. Detention of the Suspect

Article 92. Procedure for the Detention of the Suspect

4. The suspect shall be interrogated in conformity with the demands of the second part of Article 46 and of Articles 189 and 190 of the present Code. Before the interrogation starts the suspect at his request shall be provided with an opportunity to meet his defence counsel in private and confidentially. Where it is necessary to commit procedural actions with the participation of the suspect, the duration of a meeting exceeding two hours may be limited by the inquirer, investigator and prosecutor with obligatory preliminary notification of the suspect and his/her defence counsel on it. In any case the duration of the meeting may not be less than 2 hours .


Fair trial standards
Rights during investigation - legal assistance
Rights during trial - free communication with counsel
Rights during investigation - questioned in presence of counsel